"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." NIV
It is important to involve the Lord in your pregnancy. I tell pregnant women all the time to give their daily struggles up to the Lord because he DOES care and he WANTS you to rest knowing he has everything you are going through in his mighty hands. He knows you are tired, sick, weak, grouchy, hungry, and all the other many "fun" symptoms that come with being a pregnant woman! And as we know these symptoms can stress us out quite easily! But "Seek ye first thy kingdom of God" my friend and you will be given a resting place in the shadow of the Lord! No better resting spot exists! No better cover from the stress of your pregnancy exists! It is also very wise of you and healthy for the tiny baby inside your womb to sit with God and rest in his hands!
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