"Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." TNIV
I want to lay down what the Lord is speaking to me right now. I hope I get this right. lol... :)
Every single pregnant women who has ever walked on planet earth has had to prepare for her birth. Education, exercise, eating right, labor practicing... even doing nothing is a preparation of sorts! But the one thing that makes believers in Christ different from other women, who are with child, is that we have an inside connection with the One who created birth in the first place! We have the ability to seek Him with our childbirth preparation and have better outcomes because of it. Maybe not better outcomes in the terms that world would put them in, but better outcomes in a sense that the Lord will carry us through any difficulty we may have in our births, no matter how difficult!
What are the rest of the women in the world birthing for if not to glorify the Lord? There are so many, MANY crazy birth practices out there... I'm not proclaiming this to pass judgment on birth practices of the world... I don't wish to carry that responsibility. What I am saying is that the choices we make in childbirth, just like in life, say a lot about where our hearts are in our walks with Christ. We, as believers, have a heart for the eternal crown... one that will last us forever. Use this childbirth as a faith builder. Lean on the Lord and let Him show you He is there for you!
I, for one, want that crown of life... do you?
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