I spent the night last night camping with my family. And I was reminded at the majesty of God...
How incredible is He who built this planet for us to inherit. Who is so great to craft all life in harmony but at the same time so personal to care about our individual lives.
Intertwined with creation are we... each a gem in the Lord's eye. He built this wonderfully spectacular universe but still longs for a personal relationship with us, His little children.
And through our trials He stands strong, willing to hold our hand and guide us. Willing to bear our burdens and smile with us. Oh God, how great thou art.
Thank you, God for loving us so much that you gave us a piece of you when you allowed us to share the joy of creating new humans. That you gave us the ability to hold new life inside our bodies as new life grows. I am in awe of your massive but careful wonder.
Lord, I pray for the families, mommies, and daddies who pass by this page in search of Scripture to aid in their pregnancy journies. In Your mighty name, Jesus, I ask for blessings on them as they learn and grow and fall deeper in love with your incredible awesomeness throughout the birth process they have been blessed with.
I thank you, God, for my own two children. And the lessons you teach me about you through parenting them.
I love you Lord and I praise your mighty name and bow in gratefulness to your everlasting lovingkindness.
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