Hi all! If you read my post below then you know that I am on a family vacation right now. I was thinking about something and I wanted to know what you all thought about it.
Where I live... there is a much smaller Christian community than where we are visiting right now. I live in Bremerton WA. There are many, many churches... but with small congregations where I live. There exists a lot of "out there" Christianity, in my opinion, and sometimes I find I feel very lonely. I have my buddies throughout the Greater Puget Sound area and beyond that I have met via the Internet to commune with and of course there is my wonderful church (our third try at a church) who embraced my family in a way that we feel very loved and where we are growing as a Christan family.. But beyond that... it is tough to be outwardly Christian. Especially in the "birth world"... I often feel judged and alone.
Here, where my husband's family lives, in Indiana... I see so many welcome Christians. I see mega Christan chain stores. Huge churches with massive congregations... license plates that say, "In God we trust." and huge billboard signs that depict God's love all over the place. It makes me long to live in a community like this one. I would feel a greater sense of community here... my children's choice to love Jesus would be respected in schools more so...
My question is this...
What is your community like? As a Christan family, do you fit in? While you are pregnant and birthing, do you feel respected in your choice to allow Christ to center in your journey. I feel like the Christian childbirth education I want to put into my community, that I feel I am being led to start... will take MUCH faith and strength to accomplish... because there are so few who would be longing for the outlet. How can I reach those in my community who are not of faith yet?
Any suggestions for me? I would love them! I would love to know how you witness to your community! By example alone or by deeds? If you live in a hugely populated Christan community... do you have any tips for me that would help me reach mothers in mine?
Thank you friends... for your love and support! And your prayers! If you have never checked out the website of the ministry I am starting through my church you can find it at www.buildingblocksbbb.com. Will you pray over it with me? That I would come home from this vacation with my family and be refreshed to start anew! :)
Thank you!!
I live in the urban core where gangs, prostitutes, drug trafficking and other horrible things happen on a daily basis. We have a high murder rate in this area. It sometimes seems God has overlooked this city. But then I hear that song, "God of This City" by Chris Tomlin and it fuels me up. "Greater things are still to be done in this city!"
I would highly recommend "Furious Love" and "Finger of God" (both DVDs). Wow those are awesome movies! It's so hard when children are involved to desire and want to stay in an area that is so spiritually oppressed. And yet we're commanded to go to the ends of the earth. If all Christians decided to live on one little island and segregate themselves what would happen to the non-believers? ("A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment." - Proverbs 18:1)
God may have a very specific purpose for you being where you are. Have you felt called to go somewhere else? Then listen to that still, small voice. I can't say whether you're supposed to be where you are, if you're supposed to move one BUT I will say that I UNDERSTAND EXACTLY how you feel. I do NOT like living here... but I have to ask God to give me HIS heart for this city and these people (hence the DVD recommendations above).
As much as I'd LOVE to move to Redding, CA or to other big, awesome churches I also know that whatever I'm looking toward to fulfill ME isn't going to fulfill me unless God has called me there. I used to be an intern at a large church in our area and I would always leave feeling lonely and lost. Big numbers sometime can mean getting lost in the crowd. I was popular at that church and had a ton of friends and it didn't matter. Now all of those friends, some of whom I lived with? Mere acquaintances on Facebook.
Our church is very, very small. I'm talking maybe 20 adults on Sunday. We're not in some little no-name town; we're in a big city. But in our small church we feel more like family and although we are few God uses us mightily.
We minister to those around us in our personal lives through our actions. When something bad happens and I trust in God it is a testimony to someone who may not know Him. When something good happens it's also important to keep glorifying Him, too. We also minister through a lot of good deeds - feeding and clothing the hungry, mentoring inner city kids, etc.
I love that song. Thank you for that! I remember it now and am listening to the words in my head. I hear you! :) I also hear God's message inside it!
Thank you for your honest comment and for the words you give me! I appriciate it a lot!
I am feeling encouraged now! I am not feeling called anywhere else... I know I just need to believe I can stand up and then I will be able to with Jesus holding me up!
Thanks girly! Blessings to you!
I agree with Joy that God has planted you there for a reason. Only through prayer and listening to Him will you find and see the reason why.
As a fellow Washintonian, I'm a little sad that you have not seen the wonder of a Christian community that we often take for granted in my area. (Kirkland.)
Prayers and blessings to you.
Cinid I wish I lived closer to you to experience what you are talking about! :D
My own church community is amazing... but I often feel a little lost in the greater WA community.
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